


At 杰克逊维尔大学, we currently have a variety of wonderful 大学 partners.

If you currently attend any of the following universities, know that we offer exchange programs where you can attend 杰克逊维尔大学 for up to two semesters.

  • 德国曼海姆的曼海姆大学 
  • 日本东京早稻田大学 

If you are a current 杰克逊维尔大学 student, and are interested in studying 国外请参考 出国留学办公室

J-1学生签证 & 到达的信息


A SEVIS I-901费用支付 is required for J-1 students and the receipt must be included with all J-1 visa applications. Students should also be prepared to present the SEVIS I-901费用支付收据 at 美国.S. 入境口岸. 有国籍国或出生国的学生 of Cameroon, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria or Gambia must pay by money order, Western Union 快速支付或从美国银行提取的保证支票.S. 银行. 其他学生也都有 可以选择用信用卡付款.  


Students are encouraged to apply for their visa as soon as they receive the DS-2019 由杰克逊维尔大学签发,以便有时间办理签证. U.S. 大使馆 or Consulates are able to issue J-1 entry visas up to 120 days before the program DS-2019表格第3项列出的开始日期. 

In most countries, student visa applicants must appear in person for the visa interview. 然而,每一个U.S. 大使馆或领事馆有自己的面试政策和程序. 学生应咨询他们的具体情况 大使馆的网站 或致电索取应用说明.  

In general, the following documents are required for the J-1 visa application: 

  1. 在线非移民签证申请(DS-160)确认页面.
  2. 签证申请费付款收据-核对美国.S. 大使馆或领事馆网站 获取具体说明.
  3. 杰克逊维尔大学出具的DS-2019表.
  4. 有效护照-必须在未来至少6个月内有效.
  5. 财务证明-学习期间估计费用的资金证明. 
  6. SEVIS I-901费用支付收据.
  7. 杰克逊维尔大学录取通知书.
  8. 一张照片-见 U.S. 国务院网站上的照片要求.

All applicants should be prepared to provide additional information, such as transcripts or diplomas from previously attended institutions, or documents which demonstrate 申请人在完成学业后打算回国等. 家属将 receive their own DS-2019 with their own SEVIS ID number to apply for the J-2 visa. Dependents are not required to pay the SEVIS fee and it is the J-1 student who signs 所有的ds - 2019. 

IMPORTANT: No assurances regarding the issuance of visas can be given in advance. Therefore final travel plans or the purchase of non-refundable tickets should not 直到签证签发为止. 签证签发后,要进行检查确认 the J-1 visa sticker in your passport is accurate and that your original DS-2019 has been returned to you as you will need to have it in hand when entering 美国.S. 

Citizens of Canada and Bermuda do not need to apply for a J-1 visa, but are required 获得DS-2019并在进入美国之前支付SEVIS I-901费用.S. 研究. 


当你准备抵达美国时.S.,你应该计划你的旅行 to information provided by the 国际 Affairs Office at 杰克逊维尔大学. According to immigration regulations, J-1 student visa holders can enter 美国.S. 在DS-2019上的项目报告日期前30天(项目#3). 

Students transferring into 杰克逊维尔大学 in J-1 status from another institution 或者改变他们在杰克逊维尔大学的学位级别,都可以留在美国.S. or 在不同的项目之间旅行,并可能进入美国.S. 在新计划实施前30多天 开始日期. 

When you travel, make sure to have the following documents in your carry-on bag: 

  1. 有效护照和有效J-1签证贴纸.
  2. 由JU出具的DS-2019原件.
  3. SEVIS I-901费用支付收据.
  4. 财务文件.
  5. 录取信.

在美国.S. 入境口岸,你将被要求出示你的护照和DS-2019 给移民官,他会在你的护照上盖章. 在大多数情况下,警官 在您的护照页上注明“D/S”(“居留期限”). 这意味着你是 允许留在美国.S. 在您的DS-2019(项目)中所示的时间长度 #3),只要你保持全日制注册和有效的J-1身份. 一定要 您的护照在离开检疫区前已盖好章. 

不要进入美国.S. 访客身份(B1/B2, WT或WB). 这种状态不允许 在美国全日制学习.S. 

你到达后,打印你的 录取(I-94)号 and keep a copy of all travel documents (I-94 information, J-1 visa, and DS-2019) 你的个人记录. 确保你的I-94打印件包含正确的信息: 签证状态为J-1,入境至D/S. 

If you need any clarification on this process or need further assistance, please contact J-1负责人,罗伯·贝里克 rberwic@zasd2008.net or +1 (904) 256-7092. 


Duration of status (D/S) means the 国际 student is “in status” throughout the academic program, is pursuing a full time course of study, and making satisfactory 学术的进步.  这也意味着在签约时承担其他责任 签证申请. 国际学生负责: 

  • Providing copies of their passport, visa, I-94, and DS-2019 to the ISS Office upon 到来.
  • 向ISS办公室报告所有地址和电话号码的变更.
  • 护照有效期为6个月. 
  • Requesting an Extension of Stay 在美国 before permission expires (you 需要提前30天申请).
  • Maintaining full-time enrollment for Fall and Spring semesters of the academic year (本科12学时,研究生6学时).
  • 遵守国际学生就业资格规定.
  • Obtain appropriate permission for on-campus or off-campus employment including credit 或非学分的学术培训.
  • Assuring all documents are in order two weeks before leaving 美国nited States; re-entry 这些文件必须在学生每次离开美国时执行.
  • Completing Internal Revenue Service Form 1040 NR and/or 8843 every year whether or not money, including scholarships and/or interest on checking and/or savings accounts, 是在美国赚的吗.
  • Registration is scheduled prior to the beginning of each term on dates specified in 校历. 在注册时,每个学生必须全额付款 the total charges for the semester or session to validate his or her registration. Charges include: Residence Hall, Meal Plan, 健康 Insurance, Student Support Fee, and special fees; i.e.、实验室、音乐、飞行等.  未能支付所有费用将被取消 认为你没有地位,强迫你回家.



我是一个国际交换生.  我如何申请杰克逊维尔大学? 

国际 undergraduate  or graduate non-degree exchange students who have been nominated  by their home institution to apply to 杰克逊维尔大学 should 完成国际学生在线申请


Students who wish to enter 美国nited States as an 国际 exchange student, 他们需要在进入这个国家之前获得学生签证.  要获得J-1签证, students must first qualify for a DS-2019 certificate from a United States college 或大学.  从杰克逊维尔申请DS-2019有三个步骤 大学.  Students will first need to be nominated by their home institution, accepted 根据合作伙伴的协议提供给杰克逊维尔大学.  然后学生必须 provide documentation that they are able to pay for their expenses while studying 在美国. 


Once you choose to accept 杰克逊维尔大学’s offer of admission and your financial documentation is deemed to be sufficient, you will be mailed a DS-2019 certificate 的资格.  

What type of financial documentation can be provided for the purposes of the DS-2019? 

For the purposes of the DS-2019, 杰克逊维尔大学 requires that students provide original documentation showing that they can finance the expenses during the duration 呆的. 例如:学生支持费用,房间 & 伙食费、生活费、交通费 还有健康保险.  一份机密的财务报表可以提供给杰克逊维尔 这方面的大学.  盖章并签字的银行信函原件 银行职员也可以.  信用报表、非流动资产、 估计是不可接受的.  如果申请人计划资助他或她的教育 通过担保人或非父母,将需要一份支持声明. 

我有DS-2019表.  我如何获得签证? 


After you have received your DS-2019, your next step is to register in SEVIS (Student 和交流访问者信息系统),并支付SEVIS费用.  你可以这样做 参观 www.fmjfee.com.  请务必打印您的付款收据.  然后,您应该完成 填写DS-160表格 http://ceac.state.gov/genniv/.  Pay your application fee and make an appointment for a visa interview at the nearest U.S. 在你本国的大使馆或领事馆.  带上你的DS-2019表格和财务表 documentation with you to your appointment along with a passport that will be valid 在预定的美国停留期之后至少停留6个月.S.  在你 签证面谈,领事官员在美国.S. 大使馆或领事馆将决定 如果你符合你所申请的签证类型. 


国际 exchange students on a J-1 visa can work a maximum of 20 hours on campus 作为大学勤工俭学计划的一部分.  就业没有保障. 

国际交换生也有资格接受学术培训. 请参阅 顾问获取更多信息.